Pemasangan Solar Cell Untuk Setrika Listrik Pada Usaha Sonic Loundry Condong Catur


  • Subandi Subandi Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, IST AKPRIND Jogjakarta
  • Muhammad Suyanto Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, IST AKPRIND Jogjakarta


solar panels, solar radiation, inverters, batteries


ne of the problems in the Sonic Loundry business is that it is far from the reach of PLN electricity. So the installation of a Solar Cell for Electric Iron, is an alternative electricity generator from solar panels (PLTS), Solar cells are a source of producing electrical energy, from environmentally friendly solar radiation. Batteries are an option that can store electrical energy, which comes from solar panels. In observations, the battery is charged by solar panels which generate voltage by converting solar energy into electrical energy. The voltage generated from the solar panels ranges from 15.8-17.3 volts DC. The solar cell used is of the polycrystalline type (Poly-crystalline) with a power of 200wp. The measurement results show that, the current and voltage distribution of the solar panels, on average, is ± 17V, the distribution to the battery is controlled by the solar charger controller, which is very stable with an average of 13.5V. The change in DC to AC voltage is used by the inverter, to supply electricity to the water pump. This shows that after the battery is charged for 4-5 hours, the battery can operate for 3 hours with an inverter output voltage of 220-176volt AC.


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