Pemasangan Instalasi Listrik Dan Grounding Pada Mesin Sonic Loundri Di Condong Catur


  • Muhammad Suyanto Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, IST AKPRIND Jogjakarta
  • Subandi Subandi Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, IST AKPRIND Jogjakarta


Loundry, clothes washing machine, electrical installation



Many people still ignore the potential dangers of electricity use, some of whom are aware but do not know the procedure for handling electricity utilization properly. For this reason, intensive socialization is needed to prevent the danger of using electricity Therefore this dedication takes tofik, the installation of electrical installations on loundry machines in sonic loundry entrepreneurs. Because the result of errors or non-compliance with the installation regulations stipulated in the PUIL, disturbances can occur such as the danger of fire, damage to other electrical equipment that will even have fatal consequences, namely robbing human lives. Thus, the problem of installing electrical installations in loundri entrepreneurs must really be considered and it is necessary to think about the problems that are directly related therein, namely: the type of conductor / conductor that is suitable, the size and type of security that is installed as well as paying attention to other provisions that must be obeyed. So that the dangers that arise as mentioned above can be avoided or minimized as possible, besides that users / consumers will feel at ease and safe in carrying out activities or use in an electrical installation environment.


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