Bijak Menggunakan Media Sosial di Masa Pandemi: PkM di Jetisharjo dan Piyono

  • Nurnawati E K Program Studi Informatika Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND; Jl Kalihak 28 Yogyakarta
  • Arbintarso E S Program Studi Teknik Mesin Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND; Jl Kalihak 28 Yogyakarta
  • Susanti E Program Studi Informatika Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND; Jl Kalihak 28 Yogyakarta
Keywords: social media, awareness, Piyono, Jetisharjo


nternet users have penetrated the entire community, both urban and rural. This Community Service (PkM) activity is intended to provide education to the public, especially housewives, in using social media. The objects of this activity are housewives in the village of Piyono Purworejo and in the Jetisharjo Cokrodiningratan,
Yogyakarta. The location was chosen because it represents the community of housewives in rural areas compared to those in urban areas. The method used in PkM activities is to provide education through online counseling and be given questionnaires before and after the activity to find out the benefits of this PkM activity. The result of this activity, as evidenced by the results of the quisenair, is an increase in public understanding in responding to the use of social media, especially in behavior, understanding legal consequences and being aware of the potential for crime through social media. PkM activities are expected to contribute to information technology education to the wider community, so that there is a synergy between the campus and the community.


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