Menumbuhkan Jiwa Wirausaha Melalui Usaha Kreatif Kalija Hijab Program Kegiatan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Indonesia Di Ist Akprind Yogyakarta

  • Aji Pranoto Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
  • Heru Sukisman Fakultas Teknologi Mineral Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
  • Putri Natalia Deni Juwita Fakultas Teknologi Mineral Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
  • Pricelia Sindi Syara Fakultas Teknologi Mineral Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
Keywords: entrepreneurial spirit, kalija hijab, creative business


Entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative ability that is used as a basis, tips, and resources to find opportunities for success. Having an entrepreneurial spirit means encouraging an independent, creative, innovative, responsible, disciplined mentality, and not giving up easily. The Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Program (KBMI) is a means to forge the entrepreneurial spirit of students to realize their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Hijab is the main requirement as a Muslim woman, even the obligation of a woman to wear a hijab in Islam is an obligation. In terms of needs and fashion, doing activities outside the home with a closed head and comfortable to use in everyday life. In addition, the hijab business engaged in the fashion sector is very promising. Due to the need for hijab in Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim, the level of sales has also increased. The number of hijab sales that appear with their own brands for various groups, so that many hijab business people innovate their own hijab designs. This business is engaged in Muslim fashion with the Kalija Hijab brand which is intended for young people with casual clothing styles who do a lot of activities outside the home so they need several types of hijab that can be used to accompany their daily activities. The items sold are hijab and Muslim needs such as hair ties, ciput, syringes and masks. For the product material, the material is comfortable and feels cool when used. Therefore, it can be concluded that with KBMI business processes can be developed with the turnover generated from this activity in accordance with estimates so that this brand can continue to grow among the community.


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