Pendampingan Penerapan Sistem Informasi Keuangan Sekolah

  • Edi Faizal Program Studi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi, STMIK Akakom
  • Andhina Ika Sunardi Program Studi Manajemen, AMA Yogyakarta
Keywords: financial, system, IT, training, assistance


Financial management is one of the substances of school management which greatly determines the course of educational activities in schools. Financial management activities are carried out through a process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, supervising or controlling. Several financial management activities include obtaining and determining sources of funding, utilization of funds, reporting, auditing and accountability. SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul has problems related to administration, where recording is done manually. The use of information technology has begun, but there is a problem with the lack of human resources' ability to operate the technology. Payment of tuition fees is made directly to the finance department using a payment card. Meanwhile,
the billing is made by the financial officer by sending messages one by one to the student's cellphone number. The problems that will be handled in this service activity are (1) Application of a computer-based financial system; (2) Application of whatsapp API that is integrated with the financial system, and (3) training and assistance in financial management.


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